Friday, October 24, 2014

Monster Rancher Episode 6: Hare's Trick

This episode is very interesting for a lot of reasons. It has the anime's most famous deleted scene, it's the closest the series would get to being like the games until Season 3, and it's the one episode I saw in full as a kid. (When I saw the show years later, it was the same episode.)

And we meet another important character, too!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Monster Rancher Episode 5: Tiger of the Wind

This episode's another big one. Major character, major plot points, tearjerkers galore, and backstory! Let's get to it!

Monster Rancher Episode 4: Eternal Worm

This episode is the reason I started this blog. It's an encapsulation of what makes the Monster Rancher anime so special, at least to me. There are better episodes than this one, but this is the earliest sign of how good the show can be at its best. Eternal Worm was the first episode to emotionally resonate with me, which is part of why I hold it in such high regard.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Monster Rancher Episode 3: Guardian of the Disks

This episode starts off low-key, but it introduces a very important character and a very important plot point. It begins with Holly using the Magic Stone over the title card.