Sunday, October 19, 2014

Monster Rancher Episode 3: Guardian of the Disks

This episode starts off low-key, but it introduces a very important character and a very important plot point. It begins with Holly using the Magic Stone over the title card.

The gang is in a flowery field, and all eyes are focused on Holly and the Stone. "The nearest Mystery Disk to us that direction," she says, as the Stone points to where they should go next.

Genki slips on his shoes and grins. "All right! Nothing's gonna stop us in our search for the Phoenix!"

"Mocchi hungry."

Everyone face faults, and Suezo taps the little Monster on the head with his tail. "When are you ever not hungry, Mocchi!?"

Showing that he's learned from the previous episode, Genki checks his backpack for something to eat--and comes up short, holding what appears to be the smallest potato in the world. In-game, Monsters need to eat pretty often, and in early episodes food is a big concern. The group shrugs it off for now, but Holly notes that they'll have to eat some time.

Still thinking about food, the group comes across a fork in the road. Holly says that the Magic Stone points down one path, so they start to follow it. As they walk, however, an old woman passing by on the opposite road stops them.

"Hey! Are ya goin' down that road?"

Holly nods. "Why, yes. We are!"

"...Oh, no. Ya don't wanna go down that road!"

When Holly asks why, the old woman replies that an enigma lives in the forest down that road. (Mocchi wonders if it will make them lunch.
Genki asks what an enigma is--perhaps it's a species of Monster?--but she just replies that they'll find out.

Holly isn't sure what to do, but Genki's mind is made up, and he isn't scared of any enigma monster. Suezo sticks his tongue out at him and says that in a world full of enigmas, Genki is the biggest one of all.

Genki admits it's a problem, and that the monster is probably lying in wait for them, but is confident they can make it through the woods in five minutes.

They don't.

It's sunset when we cut to the group again, and Genki makes excuses about taking detours. Holly asks if "detour" is another word for "lost."

As they continue walking, night falls.

"I'm pretty sure we've been here before," says Suezo. "I think we've been here twice before," Holly corrects.

Genki teases his friends about the enigma, but admits that they still don't know what an enigma is.

"It could be any kind of Monster at all."

Suezo asks him what the worst kind of Monster is, and Genki replies that the scariest monsters live in huge spooky castles.

"Huge spooky castle," Suezo repeats, looking at the huge spooky castle just beyond them.

Holly can't take the spookiness, but changes her mind when lightning strikes in a clearing nearby.

Taking out the Magic Stone and calling on its power, she realizes that a Mystery Disk is nearby somewhere--and it points to the castle.

Genki is happy that he was on the right track, and Suezo worries that they'll have to go with them and be eaten by the enigma too. Either way, they all head in.

The group starts to explore the castle, with Suezo commenting that nothing good can come of this--and right on cue, they hear heavy footsteps.

"Get into a circle," Genki cries, and they do so; the sound gets louder and louder.

Dirt crumbles from the ceiling.

"I-it's coming," Suezo cries.

"Is this the end for us," stammers Holly.

A huge foot steps forward, shaking the ground.

And as lightning flashes in through a window... the group, and the viewers, get their first look at the enigma.

It's a huge creature made of stone.

Everyone screams, but Genki recognizes the Monster. "A Golem!"

The massive creature lets out a roar, then walks past them, gesturing for them to join him. Holly suggests they follow him, and Genki agrees, though Suezo and Mocchi are frightened.

They follow him down a corridor, out of the castle and into a clearing...

And they see...


(The sad music plays here for further impact.)

Genki is shocked and asks what it is, but the others don't respond at first. Suezo inspects one of the disks, commenting that they're very old.

"Holly, what is this," Genki asks again.

Holly's face is serious. "At one time, they were all Monsters."

Suezo nods. "Once they're here, they can never be revived--not even in the Shrine."

These are all Lost Disks. When a Monster runs out of life energy, this is what it turns into.

Genki wonders if the Golem is responsible for all of this. Holly isn't sure...

And then he approaches Genki. Suezo and Holly are worried, but the boy stands his ground.

"Did you put all these Monsters here? Tell me!" Mocchi chimes in with a "Mocchi!"

The Golem moves closer and reaches down...

And he straightens up a flower Genki had trod upon.

The heroes are surprised.

A wind nearly blows the flower over, but the Golem protects it.

And when Mocchi shivers and says he's chilly, the Golem turns back to the castle and invites them in.

Suezo is still worried they're in danger, but Genki isn't afraid at all now. "He's a friend. I know." And the group follows him inside.

Cut to the gang around a campfire, presumably well-fed. And it's here that the Golem speaks for the first time.

"In the old days, there was a great battle. Very fierce. Many were hurt."

"Each disk was a Monster," Holly tells Genki.

"And there's thousands and thousands of stones," Suezo adds.

"I guard the stones," the Golem says quietly. "It is my duty... forever."

Suezo thinks that isn't a very good job, but the Golem silences him with a glare. "The stones need me. I guard. I watch. For all time."

Both Holly and Genki are struck by how lonely he must be. Suezo suggests leaving, but the Golem invites them to stay the night. As he turns to leave, Genki watches him.

The next morning, Genki wakes up to the sound of thudding footsteps. The Golem approaches another flower and gives it some water.

Soon birds come to visit, and Genki smiles at the sight, as the Golem treats each of them with kindness.

The group is ready to leave, and the Golem tells them which path to take to leave, telling them to keep safe. But before they go, Suezo asks if he'd like to join then group!

Holly explains that they're on a great journey to find the Mystery Disk that contains the Phoenix--a wonderful bird that can change the bad monsters into good ones.

"And a big guy like you can protect us on our journey," Suezo adds.

At that, the Golem is offended. "Fighting? You mean fighting! I won't do it--it is wrong."

He turns away, and the group is disappointed but heads off.

And then, outside the forest, we see a bunch of blue puddles.

Then one of them wakes up and yawns. These puddles are actually Monsters called Jells! They're humanoid slimes, and that baddie emblem means they work for Moo.

Their captain, who talks like a stereotypical military sergeant, tells his troops their mission: There have been reports of many Mystery Disks in that forest, and their job is to collect all of them for Moo.

One of the Jells is scared of the enigma living in the forest, but falls in line when reminded that Moo is much scarier.

"Y'know, you're all basically worthless pieces of blue slime, but you're all I have to work with, so... Let's go get 'em," the Captain shouts, rousing his troops for a fight--except the one guy in the back who's still asleep.

Meanwhile, Genki and friends have made it out of the forest. Suezo is happy that Golem was on the level, but Genki's still saddened that he didn't want to come. Mocchi asks if he's sad, and Genki says that he keeps thinking about Golem being all alone.

"Just being there, day after day, with nothing around him but disks..."

Suezo reminds him that he did ask if Golem wanted to join them, and he refused. Genki nods.

Then Holly thinks about something and has a realization.

"The Phoenix! Of course! The Phoenix can do more than just change bad Monsters into good Monsters--it can take the Lost Disks and change them into living Monsters!"

Genki realizes that means their friend Golem would be free, and gets a great big smile!

With renewed hope to find the Phoenix, he turns and walks forward--and steps on the sleeping Jell.

The Jell wakes up, realizes he's been left behind, and asks Genki who he is, but Genki asks him who he is.

Holly notices his emblem and tells Genki to be careful--he's one of Moo's awful slime troops.

The Jell corrects her that they prefer to be called Moo's evil Jell troops, and states his mission: to take the lost Mystery Disks from the Golem's forest. But since he overslept, he'll redeem himself by capturing Genki and friends!

Mocchi tries punching him, but it doesn't work--the Jell's body is pretty solid.

Then he gets thrown into a rocky hill.

Luckily, the impact dislodges a boulder, which falls on the surprised Jell!

They free him, with Genki asking why they're doing this. (You got me, kid.)

After being freed, the Jell runs off toward the forest, and Genki remembers that Golem's in trouble! "We have to go back!"

Meanwhile, Golem is collecting water from a beautifully-animated pond when he sees a flock of birds flying off.

The Jell troops are there, and they plan to take the Mystery Disks to Moo, who will change them all into bad monsters--and then on to victory!

Golem finds them and says they mustn't take the disks, but the Jells refuse to leave--and Captain Jell orders his troops to attack. They turn their hands into whips and fists, and jump on him.

Golem refuses to fight back--but the Jells tire out from beating on a stone body.

So then Captain Jell turns into a cannon and fires his own core at Golem, knocking him down.  (They can do this in the games, too--it's creepy.)

The Jells move to take the disks and tie Golem up, and he comes to just in time to see them desecrating the place.

And that's when Genki appears! He skids to a halt, and everyone stands in shock at what's transpiring.

"He's with us! You better let him go, or you'll be sorry," he yells. The Captain is amused. "Really, and who'll be sorry when I'm done with you?"

The Jells laugh at the group, but Genki continues. "You should be ashamed! There's nothing funny about this at all! You are a bunch of pitiful slime blobs!"

At that, the Captain orders his troops to attack. Genki punches straight for him, but his body absorbs the blow, sending Genki flying into a Lost Disk.

He hits the ground--hard. Holly and Suezo move to help him, but are cornered by Jells.

And as Golem strains his bonds, we hear the unmistakable sound of a whip.

Mocchi tries to help, but is punched into the sky...

And that's when Golem snaps.

His eyes glow pure white.

Captain Jell stops hurting Genki to turn, realizing he may have done A Very Bad Thing.

Genki forces his eyes open to stare too.

An aura surrounds the prone Golem.

Everyone on the battlefield turns to stare.

Golem begins to straighten up...

And with a terrifying roar, he breaks free.

He towers over the Jells, eyes glowing.

Captain Jell is worried, but yells at him anyway. "You, my friend, are RESISTING a--"

Golem cuts him off with a punch that sends him flying into a Lost Disk--and then it happens.

Captain Jell hits the ground and becomes a Lost Disk himself.

Naturally, the Jells run for it.

But Golem catches up, and with a punch...

Two more Lost Disks are created.

Then three.

Finally, one Jell is left, and he begs for mercy. Genki yells at Golem to stop. "That's enough!"

But Golem can't hear him, and one final Lost Disk is created.

Then Golem snaps out of it and asks what's going on. "Where are the Jells?"

"They're all gone, Golem," Genki says soberly. Suezo continues. "You made them Lost Monsters."

Golem is horrified. He drops to his knees and cries.

"I've done a terrible, terrible thing... Lost Monsters... more stones..."

And then... his tears land on a flower and make it bloom.

Genki sees this, smiles, and reaches out a hand to comfort him.

"Those flowers... each one is a tear that you've shed, isn't it?"

Then Genki smiles more fully. "C'mon, cheer up, Golem! The Phoenix will turn each of these disks into a good Monster!"

Holly nods. "That's right! It's an ancient legend from my village!"

"Of course, we have to get the Phoenix first. Come on! Join us!"

Golem meets his eyes, stands up...

And, smiling, Golem nods.

Everyone cheers, and Mocchi yells at Suezo to keep it down.

"You can call me Genki!"

"My name is Holly!"

"Suezo here!" "Mocchi, Mocchi!"

Genki offers him a hand, and Golem takes it. "My name... is Golem."

And that was how the group of four became a group of five.

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