Thursday, May 31, 2012

Monster Rancher Episode 1: In The Beginning

Time to start our adventure into the world of Monster Rancher! Battles will be fought, tears will be shed, and awesomeness will ensue. (2014 UPDATE: I now have official releases of Season 1 and 2, so not only can this blog continue, I have replaced every image with its proper coloring so you can see how beautiful this show is. :) )

The episode starts off with the title card, "In the Beginning", displayed over a shot of the sun as seen through a glass window, then a lingering pan over a city, presumably Tokyo. After a few seconds, it cuts to the inside of a stadium and cheering crowd, and stage lights snap on.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Monster Rancher Intros

Before you get to a show's title card, you see the show's intro. With that in mind, let's check out the Monster Rancher anime's Japanese and English intro(s).

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Monster Rancher Overview

The Monster Rancher series (Monster Farm in Japan) began life as a series of PlayStation video games, produced by TECMO. It had spinoffs such as Monster Rancher Battle Card Episode II for the Playstation, and other main titles on other systems such as Monster Rancher Advance for the GBA.